Passing On to the Next Generation
Incredibly busy session with the team working so hard today. We clothed six families on site, made two deliveries to partners in Notts and began detailed preparations for our delivery to London next week supporting 20 families affected by the fire at Grenfell Tower. Into this crazy scene walked Pooja, (right) who had just turned […]
Sorting Donations? No Sweat!
An unexpected lull in people needing help gave us a chance to catch up on some donation-sorting today. The sweltering heat didn’t stop the team from steaming through donations.This was a vital task as we have a very hectic ten days work ahead of us, clothing a large range of people through a variety of […]
Young Helping Young
Another hectic session today saw us dealing with 8 referrals, liaising with the charities working in London who we are supplying with clothes for the fire victims, and delivering to partners Notts and Nottm Refugee Forum and YMCA. We also collected a donation from students of the University of Nottingham just before they go back […]
Helping More Refugees
Welcomed Tuntum Housing for a visit today to discuss working together to clothe Syrian refugee families who have been officially brought to Britain under the government resettlement scheme. Volunteers worked hard to clothe five families on site and continue to catch up on donations.
Productive Session to End Volunteers Week
Work full time? Got a week’s holiday? What do you do with it? Well, if your name is Corey then you give some of it up to volunteer with us for the afternoon. Corey was a brilliant help once before, when we moved premises at New Year, so it was great to welcome him today […]
Half-Term Activities
Half Term? No problem. Our volunteers bring their children to help out at Sharewear during their school holidays! What a fitting tribute to National Volunteers Week 1 –7 June. With their help we clothed 6 families and made a huge delivery to Nottingham and Notts Refugee Forum.
410 People Clothed in May
On the last day of May the volunteer team worked through the heat on our restructure of the women’s section, which is almost complete. Our full time teacher volunteers as usual gave up some of their well-earned holiday to help us. Thanks to the tireless efforts of all of our volunteers and the generosity of […]
Unity in Diversity
Today at Sharewear, as well as clothing 4 families and continuing with our restructuring, we celebrated the diversity on our team of volunteers. The people pictured are just a sample of our volunteer team, coming from Cameroon, Pakistan, Nigeria and the UK. United in a common purpose to serve those in need, and united in […]
Making Improvements at Sharewear
A less frenetic session meant that we could crack on with our ongoing work of making the children’s section more efficient. Today Teresa Stead had help with this from Angela Cooke, a founding member of Sharewear, temporarily back in Nottingham for a few days. Meanwhile our team of six men began work on improving our ladies […]