Another very productive day at Sharewear today. Not only did we clothe nine people, and six more by delivery, but we also played host to Hayley from Radio Nottingham. Listen out for her report on air on Monday 29th February. More details when we have it. The same day a piece was put up on The Independent online, following a recent telephone interview. (See our separate post on this.) On top of all that, we welcomed Mark Le Sage, of Ella’s Project in Spalding. Mark brought us several bags of children’s clothes age 0-5. We are pleased to have joined forces with yet another new partner. The team worked hard to make up outreach packs for delivery next week to St John Houghton RC Comprehensive, in Kirk Hallam, who are joining us as a partner distribution point in their community. Definitely not just another day at the office! As February comes to a close, we have clothed 57 people in this month alone.