Today we welcomed John with a delivery from Nottingham Girls’s High School. The Deputy Head Girl had heard about our work and suggested that the sixth form get involved. After appealing for coats and clothes, their collections added up to a big delivery for John. We are always willing to come into schools and offer assemblies and other workshops on our work, as some of our core team of volunteers, as well as our CEO, are teachers. If your sixth form or college would like to help too, currently we desperately need clothes and coats for 15–19 year olds, especially boys. So it wouldn’t be a matter of getting your mum to have a clear out of her clothes, but of you and your friends having a clear out of YOURS. Don’t worry if you haven’t got your very own ‘John’ to drop them off, as we can pick up if needed. However, please do try to concentrate on the above type of clothing, which is all that we are very short of right now.