Author: Louise Cooke

  • Clothes Distribution On The Road

      Thanks to another team of one-off volunteers from Tuntum Housing Association today we were able to provide clothing support at a community event in Hyson Green , at the request of the Berridge Ward councillors.  53 people had clothing support monitored by the team, whilst over at our base the usual team dealt with […]

  • Sharewear is the Perfect Fit

    A woman today was absolutely thrilled to have this pair of jeans as part of the clothes she was able to get from us. “YES!!” she said ” Finally I’ve got a pair of jeans that fit me properly! Even when I could buy them I always struggled to get the right fit.”  Having access […]

  • Supporting a Burglary Victim

    Amongst our five referrals today was a man who had been the victim of crime whilst away accessing support for himself. Thanks to the generosity of our donors we were able to provide him with clothes, shoes, bedding and curtains so that he can begin to rebuild his home life after the incident.

  • Helping End PJ Paralysis

    Today we made the first of regular deliveries to staff at QMC wards C4, 5 and 6 and F20. This is one of two cages of clothes that will be used for older people who have no support network to supply them with day clothes while in hospital. These wards are running the campaign to […]

  • Clothes for the Sit Up Service

    Today we made a further delivery to the British Red Cross in Nottingham for the ‘Sit Up Service’ being run by Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service, British Red Cross Volunteers, Framework and Nottingham City Council Community Protection Officers. This is a scheme, thought to be ground-breaking in the country, where rough sleepers can access simple […]

  • Clothes for the Sit Up Service

        Today we made a further delivery to the British Red Cross in Nottingham for the ‘Sit Up Service’ being run by Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service, British Red Cross Volunteers, Framework and Nottingham City Council Community Protection Officers. This is a scheme, thought to be ground-breaking in the country, where rough sleepers can […]

  • Clothes for Birth, Life and Death

    Across the five families we provided clothing support to today were a new-born baby, children and adults of all ages and someone who needed clothes to attend a loved one’s funeral. Clothes are a crucial basic need for every stage of life.  A volunteer gifted the plaque to us, as it sums up how we […]

  • Every Clothing Need Met

    Another ten people received clothing and bedding support at our base today including this man who went away delighted. He got everything he came for: shoes, coat, general clothes, interview clothes, underwear and bedding. All top names too. He was really thrilled. Today’s session brought our number clothed in January to 285, across our three […]

  • Newborn Knits to a Good Home

    Amongst the four families we helped today was this mum-to-be who was absolutely thrilled to be able to take, amongst other things, plenty of our newly donated beautiful knitted items for the baby girl she is expecting. Otherwise the day was action packed with a volunteer team from Tuntum Housing assisting and a productive session […]