Wow, what an amazing day down at Sharewear today! A full team of volunteers were able to catch up with some of the backlog of donations from recent weeks, as well as process lots of stock for deliveries. Between the four deliveries made to some of our outreach partners and distribution points today by Chris, Ian and Linda, we clothed a record-breaking 112 people from one session!! Thanks so much to the team for all their hard work. We achieved so much in just a few hours. Special thanks to Callum Garrat who completed his D of E community service hours with us today, which he began in February. It was also great to have a visit from Hilary Brown, of WeRHere charity, who have joined us as a referral agent. Thanks to Hilary’s advice we hope to bring many more referral agents and partners located within Gedling Borough on board soon. If you have only recently joined us as a clothes donor please can we remind you of the principle we apply to donations? If the condition of a piece of clothing means you would not wear it yourself or want to see a member of your family in it, then please do NOT donate it to us. It will not make it into our stock. Our service users deserve no less than the quality we would want for ourselves. Thank you for your help on this, and for your ongoing support for our service.
0 responses to “Delivering to Partners and Distribution Points”
Hi. How do we donate please?
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We will take donations to our premises on Arnold Road between 10 and 3 on Fridays. (Full address on website) HOWEVER, due to managing our very high stock levels safely and effectively, we are currently asking that if you have more than two bin liners to donate, you contact us to arrange a good time at which we will safely be able to deal with your donation, which could be on another day. You can do this by contacting us on sharewearclothingscheme@gmail.com or sending us a message on facebook. Alternatively, if you cannot get over to us, we could arrange collection. Hope this helps.