Inundated with Requests for Help

Teo and Marineta

Each week at Sharewear we just seem to keep getting busier and busier! Today we were rushed off our feet with eight referrals, clothing 28 people. Included in that were the Romanian street homeless couple above, who have only been in Nottingham for two days after several years working in Spain. Having very little English they were delighted to be able to talk in Spanish about their situation and get advice on improving their English quickly. Although all they possess fits into one small rucksack , they were already asking what they could do to volunteer here in the UK to be useful in their community. Another of many examples of people who have literally nothing, giving the one thing they can give- themselves. A lesson for all of us. Thanks to the generous giving of our clothes donors, we  were able to give them what they needed: socks, blankets and a double sleeping bag. We are now appealing for a tent, as they are currently sleeping by the river, with no cover. Here in our city, right on our doorstep. This is why we need to #SaveSharewear


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