Delivering to Partners and Distribution Points
Wow, what an amazing day down at Sharewear today! A full team of volunteers were able to catch up with some of the backlog of donations from recent weeks, as well as process lots of stock for deliveries. Between the four deliveries made to some of our outreach partners and distribution points today by Chris, Ian and […]
Sharewear Welcomes New Partner Last Orders
Today we welcomed Last Orders, Recovery in Nottingham, as an outreach partner. They received their first delivery from us of men’s and women’s clothes, as well as clothes suitable for job interviews and a selection of bedding. Hopefully these will enable their staff to give even more support to their service users, helping them to […]
The Lord Mayor of Nottingham Brings Good News to Sharewear
Today at Sharewear we received a visit from The Lord Mayor of Nottingham, Cllr Jackie Morris. Jackie had come to accompany Anna Chandler from Freeths Solicitors. Anna was representing the charity St Mary’s Relief in Need, who have granted £250 to our scheme. We would like to thank them for this very generous donation, which […]
Successful Day for Sharewear at Forest Fields Community Centre
What a great vibe there was this afternoon at the Forest Fields free community event. At our stall we clothed 32 people, mostly children, and in particular helped lots of families prepare for summer term with uniform items. As well as this we made connections with organisations interested in becoming referral agencies, outreach partners or distribution points, including NG7, […]
Financial Donors Still Needed for Sharewear 100 Club
Due to the increase in demand for our service and the expansion of our outreach delivery, we need to secure regular income to ensure that we will continue to be able to rent large enough premises for our operation. We are seeking new members for our ‘Sharewear 100 Club’. To become a member we […]
South Nottingham Catholic Academy Trust Clothe the Naked in The Year of Mercy
All the schools of the South Nottingham Catholic Academy Trust recently set themselves the challenge for their ‘Day of Mercy’ of every child bringing in an unwanted item of clothing from home. This was to fulfil the work of mercy known as ‘clothe the naked’ in the Catholic Church. Today Tom Baptiste, Chaplain across all […]
Sharewear Gets Set for Promotional Events
Today we got well and truly ready for a series of promotional events which are upcoming in the next few weeks by taking delivery of our new advert, leaflets and business cards. Now we are ready for business! Thanks to Chris Burrows for sorting it out.
Nottingham Trent University Staff Donate Children’s Clothing
Following our recent appeal for children’s clothing, the staff of Business, Law and Social Sciences at Nottingham Trent University responded to a call-out for donations from their colleague Claire Lane. Here are Claire and colleague Dean handing over the eighteen carrier bags which had been donated. These clothes will go directly to families in economic […]
Serving others on Good Friday
Today at Sharewear, although not officially open, we clothed three Nottingham families in need. Since the start of 2016 we have now clothed 300 people in Nottingham, thanks to the wonderful generosity of our clothes donors. Our founding principle was, and will forever remain, the guide laid down in the Gospel, “I was naked and […]